Over the past few weeks, an interesting new source has been driving traffic to my clients' websites. As you already know, I'm a huge fan of Google Analytics and I typically rely on the default settings (which are perfect for my needs 99% of the time); so when this new "social network" started popping up in the GA accounts I monitor it definitely took me by surprise.
Instagram Stories
Introduced in August 2016, Instagram Stories live within the Instagram app but are separate from the main feed, allowing users to post multiple photos and videos that appear together in a slideshow format, with all of the content disappearing after 24 hours.
“With Instagram Stories, you don’t have to worry about overposting. Instead, you can share as much as you want throughout the day — with as much creativity as you want.”
And while Instagram Stories acquired more than 300 million active daily users in the first year, brands were slower to adopt it for marketing, likely wary of the content's short lifespan. But towards the end of its first year, brands started taking notice. And in August 2017, Instagram reported that more than half of its 8 million registered business profiles had created an Instagram Story the previous month. (Side note: In November 2017, Instagram reported that the number of registered business profiles had just reached 25 million.)
A New Social Network
So with brands taking notice, Instagram took notice, building out additional tracking information to help brands understand the impact that Stories have as a legitimate digital marketing channel. And in December 2017, the default channel grouping for social media started registering sessions from the "Instagram Stories" social network.
The distinction between regular Instagram traffic and Instagram Stories traffic can help social marketers better understand how their "swipe up" content is performing. But if you'd rather return to GA reporting with all of your Instagram traffic together in one bucket, adjusting the default social channel grouping takes about 10 seconds.
Instagram + Your Business
Now that we know it works. And it's easy to track. Will you be incorporating Instagram Stories into your social marketing mix? Let me know in the comments.
“One in five organic stories from businesses gets a direct message.”